Year 1 SPaG scheme

Year 2 SPaG scheme

This KS1 SPaG scheme provides 9/10 lessons in each block of work, each of which focuses on a small step taken from the DfE’s English Appendix 2: Vocabulary, grammar and Punctuation from the national curriculum

Each lesson has a powerpoint presentation, an activity sheet and a worksheet. The activity sheets focus more on practical activities and the worksheets apply the skills, often through writing. Each activity and worksheet is differentiated at two levels : less able and more able. The less challenging resources tend to use words from earlier phonics phases and often include visual prompts and scaffolding.

Each lesson plan also includes ideas for additional or continuous provision activities.

The vocabulary used in the resources in this block are aligned with phonics phases 2, 3 and 4. Sometimes the vocabulary is kept simple to allow the children to focus on the new concept that is being taught.

A KS1 SPaG scheme of work linked to the National Curriculum, including Year 1 and 2 SPaG PowerPoints, differentiated SPaG worksheets, KS1 SPaG planning, SPaG knowledge organisers and more! Everything you need to teach SPaG with ease and save time with lesson prep. These KS1 punctuation and grammar resources are linked to small steps, so that one small step is covered each lesson. Also included is a Year 1 and Year 2 spelling scheme, with a list of spellings linked to each lesson, to enable children to improve their spelling ability. There are also phonics-based spelling activities for KS1, following the Letters and Sounds framework, whilst linking to the KS1 English national curriculum for SPaG/GPS.

Teaching punctuation in Key Stage 1 can be tricky – children lack the reading and comprehension skills to be able to access the learning. We have limited the amount of reading required, whilst still allowing children to embed spelling, punctuation and grammar into their work, for example with the use of spellings rules for year 1 and year 2. There are interactive grammar games for KS1 as part of each lesson, which will allow teachers to embed developing writing skills in KS1.