Year 1 place value to 50 lesson presentation
Aligned with the White Rose Maths scheme of work, this Year 1 | Tens and Ones to 50 Lesson Presentation is fully editable, and is designed for the Year 1 maths curriculum covering the following maths objectives for the autumn term:
Topic: Place Value
This lesson practises representing numbers up to 50 using tens and ones.
Small Step: Tens and ones (to 50).
NC Links: Count to 50 forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any numbers. *Count, read, and write numbers to 50 in numerals. *Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line.
TAF Statements: Working Towards: Read ad write numbers in numerals (to 50) *Partition a two-digit number into tens and ones and demonstrate an understanding of place value, though they may use structured resources to support them.
Working At: Partition two digit numbers into different combinations of tens and ones, explaining their thinking verbally, in pictures, or using apparatus.
Ready-to-progress criteria: 1NPV-1 Count within 100 forwards and backwards, starting with any number
Previous experience: Begin to develop a sense of the number system by verbally counting forward to and beyond 20, pausing at each multiple of q10.
Future applications: Count through the number system. *Place value within 100.