Phase 4 Polysyllabic Matching Cards Game

Phase 4 Polysyllabic Matching Cards Game

phase 4 polysyllabic matching game

Phase 4 polysyllabic resources

Fully designed to be aligned with the DfE Letters and Sounds framework, this Phase 4 Polysyllabic Matching Cards Game is a perfect activity for helping children to learn and consolidate understanding of phase 4 phonics.

How to use:

  • Cut out the Mrs Mactivity Phase 4 Polysyllabic Matching Game words and keep the first half of each word to one side.
  • Hand out a word ending to each child and ask them to read it so they know what it says. Help any children that are unsure.
  • Pick one of the word beginnings from the retained pile (making sure it matches with one of the endings that one of the children has) and read it aloud, showing the children.
  • The children must think about that word joined with their own to see if it makes sense
  • The child that has the correct ending stands up and together you can hold the two cards together. The whole group will say the polysyllabic word.

Explore our phase 4 phonics resources.

Explore our phase 4 phonics scheme.

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