Phase 2 Letter Cards

Phase 2 Letter Cards

phase 2 grapheme cards

Phase 2 phonics resources

Make the most of our phonics resources with these Phase 2 Letter Cards. Each of the phase 2 letters features on its own card in a variety of formats – to suit you.

Use these phase 2 cards as flashcards, for display or during your phonics sessions. Includes in this resource are the phase 2 letter sounds on A4, 2 to a page and 4 to a page so you can take your pick.

This resource comes as a zip file as there are three sizes: A4, 2 per page and 4 per page. It will download best on a computer rather than a tablet or mobile. If you have any issues downloading the zip, then right click on the folder and select “extract all”, then navigate the folder as usual.

Explore the rest of our phase 2 activities here.

Explore the rest of our phonics resources here.

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