Make your very own Mother’s Day Plate Bouquet Craft and impress mum this Mother’s Day! This Mother’s Day paper craft is really versatile and creates a stunning effect to take home to mum.
Simply cut around the two halves of the design, cut out the flowers and decals and stick them onto their accompanying stalks, then pop them inside. Done!
This Mother’s Day bouquet craft comes in 5 gorgeous hand created designs including:-
- Rose background
- Rainbow background
- Daffodil background
- Yellow/blue stripe background
- Pink/yellow stripe background
All these designs also come in black and white – so 10 in total!
All designs include a selection of flowers, hearts and other decals for you to stick onto the included stalks. Full instructions are included, and you can also use a paper plate to give extra structure to the paper bouquet. There are also a variety of Mother’s Day messages that you can stick on – including one version that allows you to write your own message.
Explore the rest of our Mother’s Day activities here!