Maths Masters – Intent, Implantation and Impact Guide

Maths Masters – Intent, Implantation and Impact Guide

This guide outlines the intent and rationale behind Mrs Mactivity’s maths scheme of work: Maths Masters,

This guide outlines the intent and rationale behind Mrs Mactivity’s maths scheme of work: Maths Masters, including our use of the CPA approach, how concepts are revisited, and how small steps are used to help children make progress. This guide can be used to help you create an Intent, Implementation and Impact statement that is specific to your school.

You can also explore our maths subject leader resources that include curriculum overviews for each year group, and a progression of skills document, showing the skills and knowledge covered in each year group and how these progress as the children get older.

Aligned with the White Rose progression, Maths Masters helps teachers deliver high-quality, consistent maths teaching in an engaging and practical way, following a mastery approach.

Explore our maths mastery resources.

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