Year 4 SPaG Spring Term

Year 4 SPaG scheme and resources – Spring

There are 8 lessons in the Spring block of work, each of which focuses on a small step taken from the DfE’s English Appendix 2: Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation from the national curriculum.

Each lesson has a PowerPoint presentation, an activity sheet and a worksheet.

The activity sheets focus more on practical activities and the worksheets apply the skills, often through writing. Each activity and worksheet is differentiated at two levels: less able and more able. The less challenging resources tend to use simpler vocabulary and often include visual prompts and scaffolding.

Each lesson plan also includes ideas for additional or continuous provision activities.

The vocabulary used in the resources in this block is aligned with the spelling curriculum that the children will be covering in Year 4. Sometimes the vocabulary is kept simple to allow the children to focus on the new concept that is being taught.

Dependent on your timetabling and individual needs of your children, you may wish to split each lesson over 2, 3 or more sessions.

Small steps

The following small steps are covered this term:

✅ Spell and use nouns with endings that sound like /ʃən/
✅ Use adjectives and prepositions to expand noun phrases
✅ Understand the difference between plural and possessive -s
✅ Identify and begin to use apostrophes to mark plural possession
✅ Identify possessive pronouns
✅ Use and punctuate fronted adverbials for where
✅ Begin to use other punctuation in direct speech
✅ Identify and use Standard English verb forms in writing

Introducing our comprehensive SPaG scheme for Year 4, created by subject specialists. This scheme of work for SPaG includes detailed lesson plans, engaging worksheets, and interactive activities that make teaching spelling, punctuation, and grammar both effective and enjoyable.

Our SPaG scheme features fun games that motivate pupils while reinforcing essential skills, alongside assessment resources to help you monitor pupilst progress. With a focus on spelling rules, punctuation exercises, and grammar activities, this scheme supports a thorough understanding of key concepts.

Additionally, our differentiated resources cater to mixed-ability classes, ensuring that every pupil can thrive. Transform your teaching with our Year 4 SPaG scheme and provide your pupils with the tools they need for success.