Early Years maths resources including EYFS maths scheme of work

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which typically covers the ages of 3 to 5 in the United Kingdom, children engage in a wide range of activities and experiences that lay the foundation for their mathematical development. The EYFS framework recognizes the importance of fostering a positive attitude towards mathematics and aims to help children develop essential skills in this subject through play, exploration, and hands-on experiences.

Here are some key aspects of what children learn about in maths during the EYFS:

1. **Counting and Cardinality:**
– **Counting Objects:** Children learn to count by rote and understand the concept of one-to-one correspondence by matching each object with a number.
– **Counting in Sequence:** They practice counting in sequence and begin to recognise and recite numbers up to at least 10.

2. **Number Recognition:**
– **Identifying Numbers:** Children are introduced to numerals and start recognising and naming numbers.
– **Number Representation:** They explore different ways numbers can be represented, such as through numerals, words, and objects.

3. **Comparing and Ordering:**
– **Comparing Quantities:** Children compare sets of objects and begin to understand concepts like more, less, greater than, and fewer than.
– **Ordering Numbers:** They practice arranging numbers in ascending or descending order, enhancing their understanding of number magnitude.

4. **Basic Operations:**
– **Simple Addition and Subtraction:** Through practical activities and play, children develop an initial understanding of addition (combining sets) and subtraction (taking away).
– **Using Mathematical Language:** They begin using basic mathematical language related to addition and subtraction, such as “more,” “less,” “altogether,” and “take away.”

5. **Shape, Space, and Measure:**
– **Recognising Shapes:** Children identify and name common 2D and 3D shapes in their environment.
– **Comparing Sizes:** They explore concepts related to size, weight, length, and capacity using comparative language like big, small, heavy, light, long, short, full, and empty.

6. **Pattern Recognition:**
– **Recognising Patterns:** Children start recognizing and creating simple patterns, fostering their ability to predict and generalize.

7. **Problem-Solving and Reasoning:**
– **Problem-Solving Skills:** Through various activities, children are encouraged to use their mathematical understanding to solve simple problems and puzzles.
– **Reasoning:** They develop the ability to explain their thinking and reasoning behind their mathematical decisions.

8. **Mathematical Vocabulary:**
– **Mathematical Language:** Children build a foundation of mathematical vocabulary, helping them communicate and express their thoughts about mathematical concepts.

The EYFS approach to mathematics emphasises the importance of hands-on, play-based learning, recognizing that children learn best when actively engaged and motivated. The goal is to build a strong mathematical foundation and instill a positive attitude towards the subject as children progress in their educational journey.

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