Year 4 decimals resources, Year 4 White Rose spring block 4, Year 4 decimals worksheets

Calling all Year 4 teachers! Are you in search of time-saving resources to help you teach your pupils about decimals? Look no further! Explore our comprehensive collection tailored specifically for teaching decimals to year 4. Dive into engaging decimals activities, differnentiated decimals worksheets, and interactive year 4 decimals lesson plans.  White Rose Maths decimals, decimals activities, decimal worksheets, teaching decimals to Year 4, decimal lesson plans, decimal games, decimal challenges, decimal practice, decimal exercises, and decimal problems to unearth a wealth of curriculum-aligned resources. Elevate your teaching and empower your pupils to learn more about decimals with confidence!

What do year 4 learn about decimals?

In the Year 4 mathematics national curriculum in the UK, decimals are introduced as part of the number and place value strand. Here’s a summary of what’s typically covered regarding decimals in Year 4:

1. **Understanding Decimals**: Pupils learn to understand the concept of decimals as tenths and hundredths, extending their understanding from whole numbers to decimal fractions.

2. **Decimal Notation**: They are taught to read and write decimal numbers as fractions (for example, 0.25 as 25/100).

3. **Comparing and Ordering Decimals**: Pupils learn to compare and order decimals using the symbols for less than (<), greater than (>), and equal to (=). They explore the relationship between decimal numbers and their position on the number line.

4. **Adding and Subtracting Decimals**: Basic operations involving decimals are introduced, including addition and subtraction. Pupils learn to line up the decimal points when adding or subtracting decimals.

5. **Using Decimals in Measurement**: Decimals are applied in the context of measurement, such as money, length, mass, and capacity. Pupils learn to convert between different units of measurement involving decimals.

6. **Problem Solving**: Pupils engage in problem-solving activities and contexts that involve decimals, applying their understanding of place value and the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) to solve problems with decimals.

These objectives aim to provide pupils with a solid foundation in understanding and working with decimal numbers, preparing them for more complex concepts in later years of their mathematical education.