Primary knowledge organisers

Are you on the lookout for an amazing tool to enhance learning? Then our primary knowledge organisers are for you! Aimed at years 1 to 6, these are just what you need to ensure that children retain and recall knowledge and skills.

What Are Primary Knowledge Organisers?

Primary knowledge organisers are documents that can be used by children to help them retrain and retrieve previously taught facts, knowledge and skills. They are usually one or two pages long and contain all the key facts needed for a particular topic. Knowledge organisers are used to clarify and summarise key information and usually include the most important key learning points from that particular topic.

Why use primary knowledge organisers?

1. Clear and Easy: knowledge organisers break down big, tricky stuff into easy, bite-sized pieces that your pupils will  find super easy to understand.

2. Bite-sized: Knowledge organisers break down the learning into bite-sized chunks. This will help children to remember the information more easily and help with retrieval.

3. Be the Boss: Knowledge organisers help children take charge of their learning journey.

4. Retrieval: Due to the way the information is divided into chunks, children are able to scan the knowledge organisers to look for the information they need – and retrieve it.

5. Display. Knowledge organisers are great for displays and working walls

Benefits of using Primary Knowledge Organisers

  • Boost  brainpower to help children remember key information and build knowledge and skills.
  • Contains all the key information on one or two sheets, summarising nicely.
  • Great for retention and retrieval – children can quickly refer to their knowledge organiser to get the information they need to help them complete work, or prepare for an assessment.
  • Good for home learning – informs parents about what their children are learning and how to complete homework using the calculation policy of the school.

Explore our range of Primary Knowledge Organisers, ideal for children in years 1-6