Whack-a-Mole 8 Times Table Game

Whack-a-Mole 8 Times Table Game

Whack-a-Mole 8 Times Table Game

8 Times table online game

We have created an exciting new series of times table games – Whack-a-mole! This Whack-a-Mole 8 Times Table Game downloads as a PowerPoint, and has macros enabled to create an exciting and fast paced game aimed at helping your children learn their times tables in a fun, engaging way. If you have any issues opening the zip, please right click on the zip file and select “Extract all”. You should then be able to navigate in the usual way.

How to use

When you download this resource, you need to ensure that when you are prompted to allow macros, that you click ‘enable macros’, otherwise the game won’t work properly.

a powerpoint that allows children and teachers to practise the 2 times tables

The slides also shuffle if you click ‘mix it up’, so that the questions are in a different order each time. Clever eh?! To play, simply click ‘slideshow’, then ‘play from start’. Click on the correct mole for each question. Note – you’ll need MS Office/PowerPoint installed to play this game.

Explore the rest of our times tables resources.

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