A naturally inspired EYFS range with elements of sage, hessian and ivy. Includes weekly provision topic packs on a variety of themes, all linked to the EYFS.
Children LOVE superheroes! A superheroes theme allows children to be creative and imaginative – both in a fantasy world and a real-life scenario. This links nicely to our upcoming ‘People Who Help Us’ theme as you explore real life superheroes which can be so vast and taken in any direction you wish. Your class will LOVE these activities! Upskill and be inspired with these tried and tested ideas that Louise knows will work well, and give children lots of new learning opportunities too. Just print and go!
A collaboration with Miss LVT, Early Years leader. This Superheroes Provision Topic Pack – Miss LVT’s Range contains a huge range of weekly provision plans and ideas complete with tuff tray set up photos, adult-led teaching opportunities for each area of the EYFS, recommended books, activity sheets, key questions, differentiation and more, covering all areas of the EYFS.
The rest of the range involves:
🌿 Topic packs based around weekly themes for provision.
🌿A guide to weekly provision.
🌿Matching display resources.
🌿and lots more!
Explore the rest of Miss LVT’s naturally inspiring resource range!