Spread the Word!

We’ve been frankly overwhelmed by the support and wonderful comments we’ve received so far – from the teaching community, childminder community, parents, teaching assistants – the list goes on! We’re so grateful that people out there understand and appreciate what we do – our aim is to help make learning fun by any means possible, and really inspire children to engage with learning. Unlike many other resource sites, we hand draw all our own imagery and never buy stock images – so you can rest assured that what you download is unique and created with love.

As things stand, we aren’t making any money (aside from the two lovely people who decided to pay us anyway!)  as all our resources are free. At some point in the future when we’ve lots more content on our website, we will start adding resources to the subscription section, which will enable us to pay more people to make more beautifully crafted content – for everyone.

We wondered therefore,  in the short term, if you would mind helping us to spread the word by featuring our cute little badge on your school, pre school, nursery or childminder website – or if you’re a parent and you have a blog, linking up to us and telling people what we do. That way you get something out of this website and free resources, and we do too!

You can either right click on the badge and save or copy it onto your site, or grab this code instead and paste it in the HTML section of your site. If you’re stuck, let us know and we can help out.

<!– CSS Code –>
<style type=”text/css” scoped>
img.GeneratedImage {

<!– HTML Code –>
<a href=”https://www.mrsmactivity.co.uk” target=”_blank”><img src=”https://cdn.mrsmactivity.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/07061842/Blog_we-love-mactivity200x200.jpg” alt=”” class=”GeneratedImage”></a>

Blog we love


We also have a bigger version if you need it. Email hello@mrsmactivity.co.uk if you need us!

Not a member of Mrs Mactivity yet? Join today!