Phase 2 Set 5 Decodable eBook – Tess Has Fun

Phase 2 Set 5 Decodable eBook – Tess Has Fun

Phase 2 Set 5 Decodable eBook - Tess Has Fun

Explore a whole range of decodable texts, all perfectly aligned to the correct phonics phase, and order of teaching of the Letters and Sounds framework. Each book is fully decodable at every phonics stage, and are composed entirely of words that are made up of grapheme-phoneme correspondences that children have learned up to that point. Also included are a small number of common exception words that children will have learned as part of the lessons up to that point, though these are kept to a minimum as advised in the DfE phonics validation guidance.

Use this Phase 2 Set 5 Decodable eBook – Tess Has Fun alongside our phonics scheme Time for Phonics, an effective systematic synthetic phonics programme that contains easy to follow daily lesson plans, lesson presentations, CPD videos, accompanying resources and online phonics games that offer complete fidelity and structure across the programme. Can also be used alongside any phonics scheme that has the same or similar order of teaching as Letters and Sounds.

“Tess Has Fun” contains sounds from phase 2 sets 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Explore the rest of our Decodable eBooks.

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