Year 1 addition and subtraction worksheets
Aligned with the maths mastery approach, these Year 1 | Subtracting Within 20 by Counting Back (Crossing 10) Worksheets are designed to be used alongside our Year 1 | Subtracting Within 20 by Counting Back Crossing 10 Lesson Presentation for a complete maths lesson. The maths worksheets require children to read the simple question and use the number line to count back. The worksheets can also be cut up and used individually in children’s books to demonstrate knowledge and progression, without the need for a whole worksheet.
Topic: Addition and subtraction to 20
This lesson practises subtracting numbers within 20 and crossing ten. It focuses on the method of counting back along a number line and involves crossing ten.
In this lesson, children still count back in ones to familiarise themselves with the sequence of numbers as they cross ten. Partitioning to count back to ten and then count back the remaining ones is covered in the next lesson presentation.
Small Step: Subtract by counting back (crossing ten).
NC Links: read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition, subtraction and equals signs. *Add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero. *Solve one step problems that involve addition and subtraction using concrete objects and pictorial representations , and missing number problems.
TAF Statements: Working towards: Add and subtract one digit number explaining their method verbally, in pictures, or using apparatus.
Working At: Recall all the number bonds to and within 10 and use these to reason with and calculate bonds to and within 20, recognising other associated additive relationships.
Greater Depth – Use reasoning about number and relationships to solve more complex problems and explain their thinking.
Ready-to-progress criteria: 1AS-2 Read, write and interpret equations containing addition, subtraction and equals symbols and relate additive expressions and equations to real-life contexts.
Previous experience: Devise and record number stories, using pictures, numbers and symbols.
Explore our year 1 addition and subtraction resources for Spring 1.