Filling in the missing numbers on a number line is a great skill for maths and fulfils the KS1 National Curriculum objectives: count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number, and, identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line.
Use our Missing Numbers on the Number Line Worksheets to encourage children to use their maths reasoning skills. Missing numbers include the following:-
- number lines 0-10
- number lines 0-20
- number lines 0-30
- number lines 0-10 in increments of 10
- number lines 21-40
- number lines 41-60
- number lines 61-80
- number lines 81-100
- illustrated number lines
Explore the rest of our addition and subtraction resources.
Explore the rest of our maths scheme of work.